Wednesday 9 March 2016

Highway to Hell

Slow down, Emmaline!I could hear Grandma shouting in my head.  You need to pull over and calm down, smarten up right now!
“Shut up! You aren’t real! Get. Out. Of. My. Head!”  I swerved between two lanes trying to pass the slower cars on the highway. I looked at myself in the rear view mirror.  Shit I look like a mess. My normally blizzard-blue eyes were swollen and tainted red. My cheeks were paler than normal – if that’s even possible. Beyond my face I could see Nika in the back looking at me expectantly.  “No run today, Nika” I am doing one better.  We are going on an adventure.
I have never been much of a spontaneous person.  Having two glasses of wine instead of one was just about as spontaneous as I got.  I graduated highschool early with honours, accepted a scholarship to business school and started working the week after graduation.  I had this list in my mind of things I needed to do in life.  None of the objects on that list resembled adventure in the least.
Step one:  get a college education.  Check.  Step two: start a career at a promising company. Check. Step three:  buy a reliable SUV and find a nice place for Nika and I to live. Check and check.  I get asked all of the time why I am still single.  After some reflection I realized it wasn’t on the list.  I saw my girlfriends being completely destroyed by sub-par boys who wouldn’t know the meaning of chivalry if it smacked them on the back of the head.  I saved the “love” task for later.  Well later came, and I am still alone. Alone in this car speeding down the highway.  Ironically I have my bags packed to get out of town so I could be alone.  Joke is on me, I could be surrounded by a million people and still be alone.

Emmaline was jolted out of her self-reflected daze by the blue tooth ringing over her car speaker. It was Jenny’s name popping up on the caller ID.
“Hey Jen” Emmaline distractedly answered.
“Hey girl!On your way yet?  I sent directions to your phone on how to get out there.  There should still be plenty of gas in the generator and the keys to the trailer are under the woodpile behind it”
“You are a saint, thank you so so much for letting me stay out there.  I need this”
“No worries hun!  Are you ready to tell me what happened yet?”
“Ahh not yet. Let’s just say if I like it out there, I may not ever come back!” Although her sarcasm was obvious, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to stay gone.
Jenny and her boyfriend Mack have a holiday trailer that they keep parked out at this hidden gem of a spot.  Although it is a long 10 hour drive into the middle of snowy nowhere, it was the only place Emmaline could think of where she could get away and sort out the pile of shit that fell on her this afternoon.  Luckily they never visit it in the winter so it is all hers for as long as she likes.  Emmaline figured after a weekend of solitude she could have a solid plan on what to do next.  Start a new to-do list.

“Okie dokie missy!  Wish I was able to get out there and keep you company. Maybe I could see if I-“
“-NO!It’s totally okay” I interjected.  “I will be fine.  Who knows, maybe I will meet the Snow-man of my dreams” I jokingly add.  I could hear the worry in her voice.  It is not like me to pack up and become a mountain woman in the middle of winter.  And when I say winter, I mean WINTER!  -40 degrees celcius was on the forecast for the next month and a half.  Luckily my snow gear from highschool still fits me.  Grandma also left me grandpa’s snow shoes in her will. They were practically relics but did the job.  I don’t even have to worry about Nika out in the snow.  I always joke about her being half wolf.  If you could see her dashing through the mounds of snow you would understand. Her muscles stretch and contract as she chases her next “prey”.  Lucky for my sanity her favorite things to chase are snowballs.

“Speaking of men, Adam has been asking about you.  He really wants me to give him your number.  I think you should give him a chance!  Who knows, maybe he could be the one to take down that giant wall of yours” Jenny has made it her mission to find me “the man of my dreams” ever since she found hers, in Mack. “When was the last time you got laid anyways?  Girls have needs too..”
“Jen, I can meet my needs on my own thank you very much” I comically add to avoid the Adam question.
“It’s not the same Em!”  Tell me about it.  The last guy I was romantically interested was a handsome blonde, blue eyed engineer who did and said all the right things.  That is, until one night where we both had a little too much wine.  Let’s just say the “event” was a huge waste of three minutes.  Call me naïve but deep down I believe that one day I will meet the man who challenges me in every aspect humanly possible.  I want my mind blown with toe-curling passion while animalistic moans escape from my lips. Yea, okay, I am naïve.
I took her long silence as a cue to surrender “Okay, okay! Maybe when I come back.  I just don’t want to think about this right now, is that fair?”
“Totally fair, he can wait a little bit longer” Jenny chuckles. “Well I left all of the instructions for you in my message so you should be all good.  Be careful out there on your own.  There have been a lot of animal attacks reported lately.  Keep your bear spray close.”
“I will carry it always!  Thanks again babe.  I will call when I get back” I hung up before she had a chance to distract me with anything else.
Eyes back on the road, I cranked up my satellite radio.  “Gotta get away” by the black keys blared through my speaker.  Hilarious. I thought.
Thought you would like that.  Grandma interrupted.  I remembered my angry outburst at her minutes earlier.  Guilt immediately surged through me.
“I am so sorry!  I know you’re real, kind of.  Well I am not sure actually.  But if you are, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings.  I just don’t want you to talk me out of this”
Oh honey, I am not going to talk you out of anything.  If you want to go and be a secluded old mountain woman, go for it! I just wanted you to slow down your driving!  I hate to be the one to remind you, but at this present moment you can’t really afford a speeding ticket right now…
“Ugh don’t remind me” I groaned.
This is a good opportunity for you, my sweet girl. After your parents died I held you too close to me.  I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you like I did your parents.  I can see clearly now.  You must find your own way, Emmaline. You may not believe it now but fate has brought you to this point.  From here on out you won’t be hearing from me.  Not because I want to leave you, but you need to do this on your own.  You will hear from me again, but not until the time is right.
“What?  Why are you saying that?”
I was met by a deafening silence.
“Grandma? What do you mean ‘fate has brought me to this point’?”
More silence.
With a heavy heart and tear filled eyes I accepted that familiar cool feeling of loneliness that started to creep in once again.
A whimpering noise interrupted this cold realization.  “Sorry baby girl!  Time to pee?”  It’s been 6 hours on the road so far without stopping yet. My bladder was starting to beg my attention as well.  I saw a sign for a town 5km away. “Almost there Nika, almost there.”
I pulled into what seemed to be a ghost town.  ‘Crestley pop.500’ the welcome sign said.  “Oh great, well this is the last town we will hit until we get there, hopefully they have a grocery store to stock up on, hey girl?”  Nika cocked her head to the side as if she was silently condemning me for talking to a dog.  Marley’s market was up ahead on the left and surprisingly at 9:00 pm it was still open.


Thanks for tuning in for this weeks portion of "The Beast Within"! There will be another post, same time next week.  Check in to see where Emmaline is going next, or at least trying to.

As always, leave comments to let me know your thoughts!


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